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ISO Certification & Advantages

ISO Certification & Advantages

What is ISO? ISO is the International Organization for Standardization, it is Non-Governmental Organization that structures an extension between the public and private divisions, Its work from Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland and was established in 1947 to create basic worldwide benchmarks in numerous regions. ISO is a system of the national guidelines establishments of with 163 part's nations.

ISO inferred from the Greek word "isos", signifying "equivalent, for example, "isometric" (of equivalent measure or measurements) and "isonomy" (uniformity of laws, or of individuals under the watchful eye of the law). The name ISO is utilized as far and wide as possible to indicate the association, in this way keeping away from the combination of shortenings that would come about because of the interpretation of "Universal Organization for Standardization" into the distinctive national dialects of parts. Whatever the nation, the short type of the association's name is dependably ISO.


Types Of ISO :-


 ISO 9001

By far the most popular family is that of ISO 9000. A family of quality management standards, there are fourteen in total. Of these, ISO 9001:2015 is the only one that can be certified to a person. The standard details how to put a Quality Management System (QMS) in place to better prepare your organization to produce quality products and services. It is customer focused and places an emphasis on continuous improvement and top management processes that extended throughout the organization.

 ISO 14001

ISO 14000 is a family of standards relating to the environment. It includes multiple standards, similar to ISO 9000. ISO 14001:2015 is the most popular in the family, and is the only one in which an organization can be certified.It establishes requirements for an Environmental Management System (EMS) and is based on the continuous improvement model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act).

 ISO 27000

This family of standards concerns information technology, with the goal of improving security and protecting company assets. Started in 2005, the two most popular standards are ISO 27001:2013 and 27002:2013. 27001 is management-based system, whereas 27002 is a technical document, focused on the individual and putting a code of conduct in place.

ISO/TS 16949

One of the older standards, ISO/TS 16949 refers to the automotive industry. TS stands for Technical Specification.

ISO 22000

This standard is focused on the development and implementation of a food safety management system, and can help any organization that works in the food chain.  

ISO 50001

One of the newest standards, the energy standard ISO 50001:2011 is nevertheless becoming increasingly important. Released in 2011, the standard is meant for companies to put in place an Energy Management System (EMS) dedicated to improving energy usage and efficiency.

ISO 13485

The medical equipment standard ISO 13485 is a single document and does not belong to a family like many of the ISO standards.  It puts a QMS in place for the production of medical devices and equipment, and is very specific to the health industry. 

ISO 31000

It is very important for an organization in any field to be able to manage risk effectively. ISO 31000:2009 puts in place a risk-management system to do just that.  The standard allows a company to better identify threats before they occur, and effectively allocate and use resources for risk treatment.

ISO 26000

A relatively new standard, ISO 26000 focuses on social responsibility and was released in 2010. It cannot be certified to, but rather provides guidance on how businesses can operate in a socially responsible way. It helps clarify what social responsibility is, and helps organizations put in place the methodology to take effective actions relating to global social responsibility.  

ISO 20121

The newest standard on this list, ISO 20121 was started in 2012. It is a voluntary event sustainability management system.


Why ISO?


For many years now, both central and local government have stipulated quality management systems in their tenders. ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard, with certification ensuring organisations meet a high level of quality. By asking for ISO 9001 from contractors, the public sector can prove it is spending tax payers money wisely, whilst not having to waste time checking an organisation’s

credentials. With ISO 9001 certification from an accredited body, the certificate does the talking!

With ISO 9001 being revered within government then, it is no surprise that almost all tender winners are certified. Many of our clients have told us that, without ISO 9001, they simply wouldn’t have won the work.


Its not only the public sector that deems ISO 9001 important. As major organisations realised the benefits of ISO 9001, they started to demand it of their suppliers too. By making ISO 9001 a requirement throughout the supply chain, it ensures quality is at a consistent high level, reducing risk.


Depending on your industry, there can be many legal and regulatory requirements that you must conform to, and you can be forgiven for not being aware of them all. Going through ISO 9001 implementation ensures you meet all current legislation, saving any potential embarrassment.


Ensuring you meet legislation of course lowers your risk. Many companies find that their insurance premiums are therefore reduced when they have ISO 9001, partly thanks to the additional aspect of having third party verification.


An integral aspect of ISO 9001 is customer satisfaction. It focuses on the customer instead of purely business goals by gaining feedback being and then analysing it. The standard will help improve quality of service, adopting a ‘right first time’ attitude.The message ISO 9001 certification sends out to customers is an important one too. An independent verification of your quality management system demonstrates your commitment to quality, customer service and continuous improvement.


Over the years, organisations can build up a variety of processes and ways of doing things. ISO 9001 encourages well defined and documented procedures in order to improve the consistency of your organisation’s output, replacing any current practices that are obsolete or inefficient. By having procedures in place for when problems occur, correct action is then taken. Over time, this efficiency of process leads to fewer mistakes, and those that do occur, are caught earlier.


Greater efficiency means fewer errors, which means less re-work, product scrap and rejections. You may find you already had processes in place for many business functions, but ISO 9001 helps improve or eradicate obsolete processes that are counter-productive. The standard introduces better process control and flow, improves documentation of processes, and creates awareness of quality amongst employees.  


ISO 9001 isn’t just financially beneficial through winning contracts. With improved management processes, the greater efficiency gained from implementing ISO 9001 can lead to an improvement to the bottom line. With improved processes leading to less overall work, this ultimately results in a cost saving when delivering the product/service. Cost savings can also be had due to less mistakes being made. Errors that do happen can be caught earlier, taking less time and money to fix.


It is fair to say, that with proper processes in place, staff will feel more at ease with their job roles, leading to greater job satisfaction and motivation, especially when they are made aware of how quality and overall success depends on them.

Of course, achieving certification to an internationally recognised quality management standard is something to be proud of, so becoming certified should be celebrated! Including your staff throughout the process is key to getting both buy-in and motivation. 


A fundamental part of all ISO management standards is continual improvement, challenging you to strive to make improvements year on year. By doing so, the benefits mentioned above are further felt.

Why ISO Certification is paramount for our Organization?

There are two sorts of profits:

Inward Benefits:

·         Expanded familiarity with quality among staff.

·         Enhanced gainfulness and quality

·         Lessened wastage and expense for every unit/administration

·         Feel gladly about your choice

·         Get credit effectively from any bank

·         Get more Business contract after ISO Certification

·         Your Organization Become More Trusted Organization

Outside Benefits:

1.      Advantage: 72.3% of companies with ISO 9001:2015 report a significant focal point. This methods they are winning more business.

2.      Enhances Customer Demand: 33.4% of companies with ISO 9001:2015 report an enhanced client request. This methods they are winning more business.

3.      Secure Your Business: 69.3% of reviewed organizations that don't have ISO 9001:2015 say they have lost a client offer or proposal to an ISO 9001:2015 confirmed contender. A hefty portion of these organizations said they didn't know why they were losing the business until it was past the point of no return.

4.      Your Competitors Are Doing It: In numerous commercial ventures, 20% of your rivals are ISO 9001:2015 Registered or the whole time. The more extended you hold up to begin, the more stupendous is their point of interest.

5.      Simple & Cost Effective : Getting ISO 9001:2015 is no more the unreasonable, time intensive suggestion that it once was. Utilizing our framework to end up ISO 9001:2015 consistent is extremely straight forward and inexpensive it will put you route in front of your rival and will empower you to enhance your frameworks and operations.

6.      Expanded Credibility: You can create a noteworthy expand ready to go, as numerous organizations will just manage ISO 9001:2015 Registered organizations.

7.      Push International Standard in your Organization.


What is ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 is International Quality Standard for Quality Management System (QMS), It was initially created in 1987, than 1994, 2000 and now 2015 is the most recent adaptation. ISO 9001:2015 standard is bland and actualize in any sort of nature, area, process & size organizations its is exceptionally mainstream standard with 95% of execute in entire associations in the world even numerous nations government make administrative prerequisites for their particular nation associations, India is one of them.

Is it accurate to say that it is (ISO 9001:2015) International acknowledgement?

Yes, It is perceived in more than 170 nations in world and numerous nations government make administrative prerequisites for their individual nation associations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

 Here at ISO Quality Services Ltd. we like to ensure that ISO Certification is easy to understand and in line with that philosophy, here are the most frequently asked questions that we are asked by prospective clients. If your question does not appear here, please contact us and we will endeavour to answer it.

What is ISO 9001?

 ISO 9001 is a quality management system that can be integrated into any business. It is focused on ensuring the business delivers a consistent level of quality to its customers by having well defined and regularly reviewed processes and procedures. The system fully integrates within the existing business procedures and becomes part of the culture within the organisation. Eventually a business will not perform a task to conform to the ISO 9001, it will perform the task for the good of the business.

The system covers eight main business principles which are:

Customer focus


Involvement of people

Process approach

System approach to management

Continual improvement

Factual approach to decision making

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships

 What is ISO Certification?

 ISO Certification is a seal of approval from a 3rd party body that a company runs to one of the internationally recognised ISO management systems. The certification can be used to tender for business as a proof of a company’s credibility but also to install confidence in the potential client that you will keep your promises.

 Why would I want ISO Certification?

 ISO certification is a statement to your stakeholders, employees and senior management that the business wishes to operate to a set framework in order to achieve its company objectives. Be this customer satisfaction objectives, production objectives or environmental objectives etc. By setting yourselves the task of maintaining an external certification you are proving the company’s

commitment to these objectives as well as increasing the credibility and customer confidence in the brand / service or product.

For example by running a quality management system, a company can stay in control of its processes and procedures, ensure if anything does go wrong it is rectified quickly, efficiently and to the satisfaction of the customer. It can also ensure a smooth line of communication between employees, suppliers and customers at all times.Many public and private sector tenders request ISO certification as either a pre-requisite to moving to the next stage or as a filter to remove companies from the tender process. By achieving the ISO certification that your customers give weight to, ensures that you are on a ‘level playing field’ with your potential competitors and improves your chances of successfully tendering. Many companies we work with report a major internal efficiency improvement which allows them to achieve greater results both in a sales and operational capacity.